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Pierre-Alexandre is a self-taught Belgian-American artist who works with acrylic painting, charcoal, mixed medias and photography.



My work with blank faces is about portraying inspiring people from all over the world. I started in 2018 by portraying a friend in Los Angeles: “Psychic in Mac Arthur Park”. When our world turned upside down in 2020, I was stuck home like many of us, but with a bunch of canvas and a giant wood panel, painting became a daily activity, an act of surviving through creation.

I give importance to details like the body and the outfits, but I leave a blank face which is basically the color of a pre-primed canvas with gesso. Then I add more layers of gesso and white acrylic to give to that face more dimension, more life. Light brings a presence to the face.

My portraits are not faceless, they are just left blank. These white faces might be shocking if I represent a person of color, but the concept is that anyone can project their own face in the blank space; then they can become an eternal icon. It's timeless and time traveling.

The white light coming out of those blank faces actually represents the presence of all colors.

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